5 New Year Resolutions of a Creative Thinker

The year is drawing towards the end, and it is normal that most of us reflect upon the things that have happened to us during this year. Globally, the year was rather shitty with outrageous economic turbulences and downfalls, revolutions, occupations, liberations, executions... Sometimes I have a feeling that we have seen too much misery for just one year. The prospects for the next year appear equally gloomy but let us not despair in advance. Better think of it as another challenge that we are determined to overcome using our creativity and optimism.

For me this year has been quite successful, both professionally and privately. I started this blog in April and so far its statistics reveal that its readership is constantly growing and each new day I have another visitor subscribing to my email list. This means that next year I will have to try to post much better articles and provide even greater amount of helpful information to my creative readers.

Despite a dose of pessimism expressed in the opening of this post, I am actually looking forward to a New Year because I already have so many plans and ideas that I intend to realise during the next 12 months. I encourage you to make your own list of all the new and exciting things that you want to accomplish next year and then, as a year rolls by, to actually start doing them, one by one. This will give you a reason to look forward to getting up in the morning, it will motivate you to take action and once you start making your dreams come true, you will feel so empowered, self-assured and accomplished - your whole life will become a successions of personal victories.
You can download, print and use this poster for free. Choose the size and click on the link: A4(210x297mmx180kb); A3 (297x420mmx279kb); A2 (420x594mmx280kb)
Now, I know that from time to time it might get difficult to keep up the pace with one’s plans and wishes. Therefore, I made a list of five resolutions that will help me stay on the good track and accomplish all my creative plans. So during the next year:

I will not be afraid to fail because each failure will offer new insights that will help me perform better next time. I will not be discouraged by the negative criticism because I know that negativity and rejection are normal human reactions to unknown – and to an ordinary mind, new, innovative and unique ideas represent great unknown.

I will give up trying to be perfect, because nobody is perfect. I will not be too harsh on my ideas and demand perfect answers to all my problems. I will not create and evaluate at the same time. Instead, I will let creative energy flow freely through me.

Every day I will practice creativity by producing something creative, no matter how small and insignificant it may appear to others. It can be a piece of writing, sketch, music tune, creative idea, diy project... anything that will keep my creative juices constantly flowing.

I will read, listen, observe and communicate much more than before. Constant learning and gathering of information and experiences will help me expand my creative potentials and provide shortcut to discovering new and unique ideas.

I will create inspiring atmosphere in my home and in my office. I will go to interesting places. I will attend interesting events. I will spend time with creative people. Creativity will become my nature and everybody will be able to see it.

These are my resolutions. Have you made yours?

Thank you for reading this article and for following this blog. 


When I wrote this article I thought it would be a good idea to have these resolutions written somewhere where I could always see them and be constantly reminded of them. So I designed a poster which I intend to print and paste on the wall near my working desk. If you like my creative resolutions and you think they may work for you as well, you can download, print and use this poster. Just choose the size you prefer, click and the poster is yours
 : )Poster sizes: A4 (210x297mmx180kb); A3 (297x420mmx279kb); A2(420x594mmx280kb)

I will love you forever for sharing this article on Facebook or Twitter.

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If you wish to further explore this topic, you can check out the selectionof my favourite books about creative thinking.


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