Something happened on the way to the art class

People in this day and age seem to have this notion that you walk up to a computer, find the application of choice and press a button and all should come out as they want it. Then, they find themselves saddened by the fact that the end result is far from what they imagined. And there lies the crux of the problem. The simple fact that the imagination has the greatest ability to be so wonderfully creative, expressive and without bounds that the translation into this mortal world has some faults. Or does it? 

I spend a great deal on my time sitting in front of students in academic form, trying hard to be an educator. In some ways I am, however I start my day, my career and more importantly my life, as an artist. That is who I am. That is what I practice, and more importantly above all else, that is what I desire. I look on the faces of these students, year in, year out, as they find ways to think of a convenient excuse for the reasons their work is not complete, not as good as they expect, or not finished properly. It kind of saddens me, as there is a great deal of technical practice and theoretical knowledge I can bestow on this youthful minds, but the one thing I can't teach; can't even explain properly is the 'drive' that happens inside to make you this creative person.

I don't know if you are born with it, or its comes one day like a bolt of lightning or whatever. I do remember that for myself, I went to school, at an early age, and sat one day in class looking at a E.H.Shepherd illustration of Winnie the Pooh and, even to this day, remember that I loved it so much that I copied it. And there started my days of drawing. Never stopped. Not to this day. I wake most mornings wanting to be creative. This is the thing I want to try and explain, but can't. Its a passion that is internal. It is the wanting to move that pencil to draw a great picture. It is the vision that pushes you to design a great concept, etc. It is not thousands of books read, or hundreds of hours of technical practice that makes it look right. These things are simple support mechanisms to bring your passionate vision into the real world with some credibility.

Looking back at many of the great designers and artists of the world, you see something as they talk, work and even in their work. They live the life that is presented to the world. The actual title of this form of development; "Creative Thinking" even detaches itself away from any physical form. Creativity is an aesthetic force and thinking is the abstract or logical path by which these two things come together. Everything must happen in the mind first before it transcends to paper, pixel or whatever form it aims to finalise itself in. How can you teach this? Switch on your brain, mix it up and see what comes out? I work very hard at trying to avoid using the term talent. I honestly don't think it is about talent. I say this as I look back at my first drawings I did, when i branched out from being a plagiarist and almost agree with my art teachers remarks that I should look for another choice in career prospects. But now, after more than thirty years of trying, sweating, making mistakes and most importantly, not giving up I find myself in a position where I can say I am good.

Like many things in life, it is a continual learning curve and I have much to practice. However, the three aspects I find that have gotten me to this position so far, is that of a great deal of persistence (not giving up), a great deal of perspiration (hard work and sweat) and practice. I say this to my students as the magic 3 P's. But, on saying that what all that will do eventually is make you a good practitioner. What you must do is dig deeper and seek out that burning desire to do it. To live through hard times, to take the criticism, to wake at three in the morning and still deliver your vision. To see inspiration all around and help it fuel your want to make something different. Find the passion!!!!


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