
Thinking is a natural part of life. The development of a human being is in all intense a purposes like that of an animal. The only real fundamental difference in the mind of an animal and a human animal is the process of reason. (*mention something about problem solving) By this function we have the ability to take information and to process it and to use it for a purpose. Thinking basically is this method. The inability not to think is a simple value attributed to the fact that your brain doesn’t have enough stimulus in order for it to clearly determine a correct course of action for the necessary and correct outcome. In other more simple words, if you see the process of problem solving and thinking as a journey across a river then the opposite bank of the river is the answer. Now, firstly, depending on the creativity of your mind the river bank can either have many places to land after crossing or be limited to one spot. This is the conclusion although, so to get there we must find the path. There are many methods by which we can cross. We could chop a tree down and carve out a boat and paddle across, we could tie a series of vines together and form a rope by which we can tightrope across. We could gather stones and make a path of stepping stones, placing them as we go. All in all there are many ways by which the problem can be resolved. This is known as creativity. For the sake of this example, let us use stepping stones. Another point comes to mind about the process of crossing. We have to determine the best path by which to cross. Initially, we will determine the best path is the shortest from shore to shore. This may not be so. We may find that there is deeper water at the shortest point, or the current is strongest there. This process of evaluation is part of the initial stages of research. It determines viability in the outcome. Now using the knowledge we have we can sort from our choices which is the most useful and effective course to cross the river.
Assuming that we have determined the stepping stones to be the best course of action, then can we assume that there will be a pile of these stepping stone sitting ready for use. Probably not. So the search for appropriate and useful material needs to begin. This process is called research. No visiting the same patch of land believing that all the stones you require will be there, is again another simplification that will probably end in a failed result. For the purpose of finding the best, biggest and flattest rocks to serve the purpose of being a path of stepping stones we must search. Look in all the possible places that could resolve the search for this type of stone. This process is a methodology in the research process.
What we will end up with, hopefully, is a pile of well formed and appropriate stones that we can now use to cross the river. We have picked our route, after analysing many of the options and so we can now start to place them. With every step and stone we take across the river we will cautiously test to see if the stone proves to be right for the position. This is called testing or experimenting. Eventually, all the stones will be placed across the river and the path will be formed. Then after all this work you will find that you are able to cross to the desired point without issue and come to the point you determine to be the correct one. This will develop a process in your mind and on any occasion you find a similar problem and a similar set of variable, you will know what actions you should take to achieve the same result. This is thinking, this is education and this is process.


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