Answer to the NuSkin

OK, as nobody attempted to reply to this, the answer is forthcoming. It is easy to analyse the fact the company is in fact involved with skin products. The twist on the variation of 'New' converted to 'Nu' is a common trick to manipulate words to make them into clever logo derivations. However, in my classes I have the students stumped the reasoning behind the icon above the text.
One thing I try to get my students to do is to think laterally. This is the teaching of the originator De Bono, and is a good way to exercise the brain in other possible outcomes to a seemingly obvious or obscure answer. If there are additional tidbits of information added to reveal certain aspects of the logo the challenge becomes simpler and simpler. However, this really shouldn't be the process of a clever thinker, nor a creative mind. Look at the logo. What does it seem to represent?
What connection can be seen between this and something to do with skin?
Think abstract. Obvious will never lend itself to giving quick answers.
Why would a person use skin products?
Usually skin products are used to heal or beautify the skin. One process is to moisturize in order to maintain a young looking skin.
Now look at the logo. What does it represent?
Think of a legend that encapsulates the desire for youthful looks. Now does it become clear?
The logo is in fact a representation of a fountain. Thus relating to the 'Fountain of Youth', deep in the amazonian jungles. The legend has it that all who bath and drink from the fountain will remain forever young.
The logo symbolizes skin care by playing on the story of the legend.
An abstract connection?


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