Depth Perception

As humans we look at things with different degrees of analysis. We are in fact the only living creature that has the cognitive ability to analyze things, event, problems and try to come to a conclusive result. The advantage of this analytical brain is to help resolve these problems in a more effective manner. Our closest relative, the chimpanzee, when faced with a termite nest wont look at it holistically and see the potential aspects to which a solution to get a termites out. Instead they are limited to their surrounds and their capabilities. They generate simple tools to approach the most convenient solution. Saying this, it is wrong to take away from the chimpanzee the ability to fashion tools and use them. For many years man has deemed himself the only manipulator of his environment, is such a way as to physically alter and fashion elements to create tools. This is not so. What this has to do with creative thinking is a little more deeper than termites in a nest.

Holistic knowledge is a good concern in the process of lateral and creative thinking. Taking a situation, problem, subject as a whole gives the added advantage of this degree of what can be noted as depth perception. There is a tangible notion that all things are connected. That somewhere in all subject there is a slight vein of truth that will lead them to another element of this cosmos. Its a little hard to explain in example as it would take so long to follow any given path from one starting point to another. However, the simplest way to explore this is to see the basic fact that we are all part of an enormous universe. It would be wrong to think that just because there are billions of insects and millions of mammals, fish, birds, etc. that they were all placed on this planet to be solely individual and disconnected. That would be a massive lack of insight into the global construct of life. As much as the development of the chaos theory has made formulae to state that a butterfly flapping its wings in one country can affect the climate in another, so we can also see deeper into the way that thinking has such depths.

In the fashion industry there is a mode called 'fashion forecasting'. This is basically a concept by which fashion designers predict what people will like to see and wear in the coming collection, or year. It is one of the few design practices that actually do this type of analysis. Most other art forms live in the now of their creation. This is trendy at the moment, so let us follow suit. It has been stated before, and in the immortal words of Andy Warhol, "Nothing is original". We can at least understand that design is always in a retro cycle. The trend is usually for a thirty year turn around with many aspects of design. Many young designers don't even subconsciously see this. And this is the process by which depth perception is required. The need to see the basic of where something lies and to explore all the known possible aspects and depths to that starting point. This obviously involves a great deal of back breaking research. Something that many a young mind falls victim to avoiding in these days of A.D.D and interactive online supply.

One aspect that tends to be brought into play on starting any given design project is to first note all aspects of relevant info and category definition. This is the most obvious of starting points. Many a time however, this is the point at which many point spring into mind their 'eureka' concept. Not a good place to be. Many a time premature 'eureka' moments are based on cliche and retained, superfluous data that is omnipresent in our everyday lives. Not saying this is a bad thing. But in a world where, as Warhol stated, 'Nothing is original', we must strive as designers to at least forge some originality into the world. To design a better world. How is this done? Well the next best starting point, after the initial round of being obvious, is to take paths down away from these points to push them to their nth degree. Like walking into a wood until you think that you are at the centre, because it gets darker and darker, but you still push yourself. At this point, I will explain the use of the picture at the top of the post. Basically it is to denote the fact that nothing is what it seems. Most presented things on a path of dicovery can reward you with abstract solutions. A very good example is the invention of velcro.

Looking at velcro and its micro fibre plastic construction you would possibly believe, doing reverse design techniques, it was developed in a lab. With scientists trying to formulate a perfect combination of fibres in order to create this sticking ability. You would of course be wrong. Velcro was in fact invented by means of one man (its inventor - George de Mestral) taking his dog for a walk in the Swiss Alps. You can read more here! This was a marvelously 'eureka' moment as the scientist was able to see the connection instantly to another value this seemingly abstract moment had. He had the depth of perception to see the connection. Some time ago, here, I posted a logo concept as a quiz to see if people could evaluate its origin. It was for a company called 'Nu Skin'. They deal with moisturizing creams for skin. See the conclusion here! The notion to the icon design was taken from a piece of depth perception that on the start can not be seen. Look at the previous post and see if you could have guessed it.

So, the best angle to create more novel and clever and inspiring design is the process by which you follow each and every path through its depth perception analysis. Time consuming "yes", but can result in a multi aspect research base by which notions of the original concept can be heightened or widened based on aspects that you had not originally considered before. The best aspect to understand this is to go through an example path, in order to define the way that depth perception works. The following posts will discuss the real and psychological aspects of developing this process with a live example. Stay tuned!


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